Sunday, September 24, 2023

Construction of Our Headquarter!

We were contented to live a nomadic lifestyle - four or five years working and serving at one place and then move on to the next place.

Until after we moved to live at a flat that my aunt (owner of the clinic where Sophealin is working with) is renting in April 2022. It is often inundated during heavy rain. Hours were spent on cleaning up with the uncertainty that the next day may be inundated again.

We had enough!

We conducted a search and found a plot of land that central to various places of our ministries. We signed the buy-sell contract in November 2022 and became the rightful owner in February 2023. With the purchase, we have used up our savings.

To build, we considered two options: (A) Taking loan from the bank or (B) borrowing from a friend. After praying, we were sure the Lord wanted us to borrow from very close friends. But being very close making me uncomfortable to ask. After letting them know my situation, I laid it before the Lord, "If it is Your will, let them speak to us about lending us the capital. Or else we will have to loan from banks." Some time later, they called and told us their decision. Hallelujah!

And about a month later, we found out that Sophealin is pregnant with our second child. Hallelujah! We had been trying for our second child for almost a year.

With the friends' unconditional offer, I designed the building and called various contractors for their quotations. Praise God that one of the quotations was within my initial estimate and the contractor seemed to be prepared and trust-worthy! After signing the contract, on June 6, 2023, we broke the ground and started the construction.

And the construction progresses smoothly with no disruption.

The structure as of 25 September 2023.

When completed, it will have a medical consultation room, herbs garden and roof-top garden, six bedrooms (one for elderly, three for family members and two for guests!) and a multi-purpose living room. 

The Lord's willing, it is expected to be completed by middle of December 2023, and just in time to prepare for a new family member.