Sunday, September 24, 2023

Construction of Our Headquarter!

We were contented to live a nomadic lifestyle - four or five years working and serving at one place and then move on to the next place.

Until after we moved to live at a flat that my aunt (owner of the clinic where Sophealin is working with) is renting in April 2022. It is often inundated during heavy rain. Hours were spent on cleaning up with the uncertainty that the next day may be inundated again.

We had enough!

We conducted a search and found a plot of land that central to various places of our ministries. We signed the buy-sell contract in November 2022 and became the rightful owner in February 2023. With the purchase, we have used up our savings.

To build, we considered two options: (A) Taking loan from the bank or (B) borrowing from a friend. After praying, we were sure the Lord wanted us to borrow from very close friends. But being very close making me uncomfortable to ask. After letting them know my situation, I laid it before the Lord, "If it is Your will, let them speak to us about lending us the capital. Or else we will have to loan from banks." Some time later, they called and told us their decision. Hallelujah!

And about a month later, we found out that Sophealin is pregnant with our second child. Hallelujah! We had been trying for our second child for almost a year.

With the friends' unconditional offer, I designed the building and called various contractors for their quotations. Praise God that one of the quotations was within my initial estimate and the contractor seemed to be prepared and trust-worthy! After signing the contract, on June 6, 2023, we broke the ground and started the construction.

And the construction progresses smoothly with no disruption.

The structure as of 25 September 2023.

When completed, it will have a medical consultation room, herbs garden and roof-top garden, six bedrooms (one for elderly, three for family members and two for guests!) and a multi-purpose living room. 

The Lord's willing, it is expected to be completed by middle of December 2023, and just in time to prepare for a new family member.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Exploring Mobile Medical Clinic

Community Outreach Services Immanuel (COSI)'s children home is where Sophealin had lived and had the opportunity to hear about God and Jesus.

As a form of giving back to the community, we gave our time and energy to treat the children in the home.

At the same time, the management of COSI is looking at opening medical clinic in the compound to reach out to villagers. And come with it is the opportunity to preach the good news!

So naturally, it's our best starting point to mobile medical clinic.

We went to check out the unused space.
We prepared the stockpiles. 

Consultation in the staff office
Cleaning infected wounds.
Waiting to see the doctor. 

Taking stock.

But it's over a year now. We managed only giving treatment to COSI children. 

These are the details we have not been able to iron out (some are inputs by visiting friends from LWMC):
- A clear vision
- Seeking permission (or partnership) with local authority: How it may affect medical practices and businesses in the area.
- How many doctors available 
- How often the doctors can come in
- How much to charge for medicine
- Who else can be recruited to help in reaching and doing follow-up

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Festival of the First Fruit

On Sunday the 13th, we celebrated the festival of the First Fruit. Church members brought their offerings - some home-grown and home-made, while others purchased from market.
We also presented our first fruit of the womb who is just happy to be in the company of uncles and aunties in church!

It was also Pastor Meng Thai's first baptism for the church since he became pastor-in-charge in November 2019.

There were 8 candidates. The pandemic disrupted their baptism and membership classes. After a long battle, they passed their written tests and got ready to publicly proclaim their allegiance.

These are their backgrounds for your prayers:

(1) Srey Leak: a young mother with a 5-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. Husband didn't manage to complete the baptism class.

(2) Veasna: a father-to-be. Young in faith. Prayed to receive Jesus a few months before his wedding. 

(3) You Lorn: Comes from a province to do undergraduate study in Phnom Penh. Lives in the Methodist Hostel. Heard God's word and gave his life to Jesus. Family pre-believers.

(4) Sa'aim: Daughter of a church member. Will be sitting for her Grade 12 exam (equivalent to A-Level) in early December.

(5) Srey Rorn: Cousin of Sa'aim. Comes from a province and is doing undergraduate studies in Phnom Penh. 

(6) Nita: Daughter of a church member. Hasn't been coming to church due to poor health.

(7) Sara: doing undergraduate studies majoring in English Language. Family pre-believers. Niece of a pastor.

(8) Philemon: son of a pastor. Secondary school student. Couson of Sara.

Another round of baptism and membership class is on-going. One of the members is a new convert who is working in a garment factory. The challenge for us is she is not able to read at all. Pray alongside us that God will do miracles enabling her faith to grow as she hear the words of Christ and enabling her to read God's word by herself.

Praise God for a harvest amongst us!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

We are alright!

Hello friends! We are fine.

Elisabeth is 16 months old. Healthy and strong. Cheerful and outgoing. 
Learning very quickly too.

She followed where we went. Even this night visit to church member's home.

And to Community Outreach Services Immanuel (COSI) orphanage where Sophealin was growing up in.

Like most people, Elisabeth and I had contracted covid-19 once, while Sophealin had twice. Elisabeth and Sophealin have recovered well. But pain is my constant companion. I'm learning to live with it.

Prayer pointers:
- To pin-point the cause of pain and apply appropriate treatment.
- The pain will not hinder travelling as some visits required long-distant travel.
- Thanksgiving: Interestingly, on days I had to lead a Bible study group or giving talks (preaching), pain forgot to show up.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


我觉得 我身体很好。我的健康生活方式是这样的。





Wednesday, February 3, 2010


前年,放假的时候,一组国立大学的学生 到柬埔寨 [jiǎnpǔzhài,Cambodia] 做社区服务[shèqūfúwù,community service]。 因为他们 不会说 柬埔寨话,也不知道 柬埔寨人的生活,所以我的一位新加坡朋友让我帮助他们。我把柬埔寨话教他们了,也告诉 他们 柬埔寨人的生活,不同的地方有自己的生活。那以后,他们就希望我跟他们一起去,所以他们问我 可以不可以 当他们的导游。因为 我从来没有到过 这个地方,所以我决定[juédìng, decide]跟他们一起去。

第一照片是早上在一个村里拍的。我们买给孩子们糖果 [tángguǒ, sweet]。他们都很高兴,都玩儿得快乐。村里很多爸爸妈妈和孩子都没有文化。孩子们的爸爸妈妈都是农夫农妇,所以长大的时候他们一定都是农民,过很辛苦的生活。有时候,爸爸妈妈要孩子去上课,可是孩子不要上课。 别的情况是 孩子要读书,可是父母不会让他们去上课。

左边的照片是一张稻田 [dàotián, paddy field]的照片,也是早上拍的。那儿天气很好,有点儿风的。水稻摇来摇去,多优美啊。所以农民常说天气晴朗 有吃的最好,没有文化没问题。

从中午到晚上,我们参观吴哥窟[wúgēkū, Ankgor Wat]。最后两张照片 是中午在吴哥窟拍的。吴哥窟很大,也很漂亮。听说用七天还可能看不完呢。

Thursday, January 22, 2009


我家有八口人。我有爸爸,妈妈,两个哥哥,一个姐姐,还有两个妹妹。他们都在柬埔寨 (jiǎnpǔzhài, Cambodia)。

我爸爸叫 Meas Khun。他是小学的校长 (xiàozhǎng, Principal)。他 很忙,星期六 也工作。星期天 他 常常 看拳击 (quánjī, Boxing)。他 很 喜欢看 拳击。我妈妈叫 Chhay Sok Heang。她是 家庭主妇 (jiātíng zhǔfù, Housewife)。她是我们的很好厨师(chúshī,Chef)。她做的美(shí, dishes)很多,我 很 喜欢。

我大哥叫 Meas Chanthoeun。他 是 审计员 (shěnjìyuán, Auditor)。他比我高(在我左边)。他 很喜欢 足球。星期天 他 常常 跟 他的好朋友 踢足球(tī zúqiú, play football)。我大哥 会说 英语,也 会说 一点儿日本语。我第二个哥哥叫 Meas Rethy。他是会计师 (kuàijìshī, Accountant)。他 也比我高(在我大哥左边)。他 很 喜欢 排球(páiqiú, volleyball),可是 他 不常 跟 他的好朋友 打排球。因为,他 有 一个很 漂亮 的女朋友。他 很 爱她。星期天 他们 常常 去 餐厅 吃 东西。

我姐姐叫 Meas Phanny(照片,最右)。她 也 是会计师。她 很忙,因为 她 现在 做工, 和 学习。她 常常一回家就(jiù)(as soon as reach home) 睡觉,因为 她很 (lèi, tired)。我第一个妹妹叫 Meas Sok Na (我姐姐右边)。她 是 柬埔寨 大学 的 学生。她 学习 财务 (cái wù, Finance)专业。她 很 喜欢 看柬埔寨文学的书。所以她 的 英语 不太好。她 说 学习 英语 很(nán, difficult)。我小妹妹叫 Meas Pheary。她 是 中学的学生。她 不喜欢 看书,她喜欢看 电影(diān yǐng, Movies)。她 常常 跟 我妈妈 去 商场 买 东西。

我叫 Meas Sophea。我的中文名字 叫 金苏法。我 二〇〇二年 十月 二号 星期四 上午 十点三分钟 第一天 到 新加坡。那时候,我 是 中学的学生, 要 学习 汉语,可是 我 没有 时间。我 现在 在 新加坡 国立大学 学习 工程 专业,也 能选修汉语课。我 很 喜欢 锻炼。我 天天 去跑步(pǎobù, run),和 打球。我 也 喜欢 做饭。我 常常 为我家人 做饭。我 很爱 我家人。